
Archive for October, 2009

Yellowing Leaves

October 31, 2009 1 comment

It’s autumn back Stateside and I miss it always – it’s my favorite season. Here are some nice youtube vids of Autumn back “home” and other places.

Categories: Uncategorized

Wuxi iCarnegie Institute in China

October 29, 2009 1 comment

I just came back from a China visit and had an opportunity to participate in a ground breaking event involving my alma mater, Carnegie Mellon University. They’ve recently partnered up to launch in China a new iCarnegie Institute in Wuxi, China.

There’s a lot of exciting things going on in China and certainly seeing the development speed is both an eye-opener and a sobering experience. No doubt that there are big ambitions, big money, big energy to meet China’s big vision. Yet as with any development process, there are also big gaps, big needs, big challenges. In short, lots of opportunities.


Wuxi iCarnegie Institute Oct 2009

Another primer on managing technical guys & gals

October 29, 2009 Leave a comment

An amazing opinion piece from ComputerWorld was recommended through one of my project management newslists – Newgrange: It’s titled “The unspoken truth about managing geeks“. It’s an even better piece than the one I blogged about here.

For sure, the amount of comments on and off the site is very strong. And I totally understand the bashing because it’s self-aggrandizing to the “Amen” responses. IT folks really are quite diverse but I like to think that there are much more similarities than not based on my limited experiences in different countries, industries, and technical/management teams.

My personal view is that the author Jeff Ello has got it totally right – not just the analysis but also where it starts: It’s all about respect. Just break down this analysis:

Few people notice this, but for IT groups respect is the currency of the realm. IT pros do not squander this currency. Those whom they do not believe are worthy of their respect might instead be treated to professional courtesy, a friendly demeanor or the acceptance of authority. Gaining respect is not a matter of being the boss and has nothing to do with being likeable or sociable; whether you talk, eat or smell right; or any measure that isn’t directly related to the work. The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done, including the elegance and practicality of his solutions and suggestions. IT pros always and without fail, quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.

1. For sure, when I was as tech grunt, that’s how I felt about the respect to others, especially managers. I also saw it, heard it from others. IT teams are pretty ruthless when it comes to people who can’t “fit in” with the rest of the team. “Fitting in” can mean many things but the social dynamics of IT teams can be pretty brutal.
2. As a manager of technical guys, I learned first hand about “earning your stripes” because there are always more technical guys than you. The process repeats itself at each stop along the IT management journey.
3. As part of the IT team, you always are building relationships with those who can get it done. Because the environment is so much about firefighting, it’s a totally Darwinian world. No one likes to burn during IT service outages, user problems etc and so the ones who can prevent fires and/or fight fires quickest are “the best”. These folks in my experience become the tight-knit high performing teams that makes IT a well-oiled machine we strive for.
4. The last statement that IT-pros “quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.” is the heart of what gives life to “Shadow IT”. Check out Mike Schaffner’s excellent commentary about the Shadow IT topic.

It’s a definite read for anyone curious about IT and get a wide spectrum of the views.

However, one part of the article Jeff wrote which bears repeating:

Users need to be reminded a few things, including:

* IT wants to help me.
* I should keep an open mind.
* IT is not my personal tech adviser, nor is my work computer my personal computer.
* IT people have lives and other interests.

Business Excellence = Operational Accountability = Caring and Focused Employees

October 23, 2009 Leave a comment

Do you ever wonder why corporate lunancy exists and what can be done about it? It starts with the people IMHO. This latest post from the Six Discipline Blog I believe focuses on the right things – back to basics for the individual(s), the grunts, the ““business centurions”” Wally Bock praises, that make organizations excel and be a great place work.

BOTTOMLINE: Organizational accountability eliminates the tendency to make excuses and shift blame. When employees make clear and specific commitments for their own work, entire organizations become aligned and achieve specific measurable results.

1. Accountability is a Statement of Personal Promise.
2. Accountability for Results Means Activities Aren’t Enough
3. Accountability for Results Requires Room for Judgment and Decision Making.
4. Accountability is Neither Shared nor Conditional.
5. Accountability for the Organization as a Whole Belongs to Everyone.
6. Accountability is Meaningless Without Consequences.

So how can we take care and develop our people the right way? Lots have been written to be sure on the leadership development front. I like the list from Dan McCarthy who recently posted 30 Challenges That Can Develop Leaders. In particular, I’d like to emphasize his summary from “The Lessons of Experience” book. It’s a new book for me and will definitely be checking it out. In my limited exposure to date, the ones who were worth modeling after and follow had a lot of those kinds of experiences. These folks are the colleagues, teammates, and good bosses to work with and work for.

Are you on-board?

Categories: Leadership, Management

The Matrix and IT Management

October 22, 2009 Leave a comment

It’s been a really busy year for me with conferences and summits and we’re just starting Q4 and there’s another couple more months of conferences and summits coming up in Hong Kong.

Earlier this year, I got nabbed by some marketeers from Brocade Communications to attend their APAC (Asia Pacific) roadshow for their Extraordinary Networks campaign to educate the enterprise sector of their acquisition of Foundry Networks. There’s a lot of good stuff in there which you can find about here, here and here. I don’t normally and actually loathe to write up specifically about technology partners. The reason for this is because I prefer to keep neutral and agnostic about my dealings with the supply side of IT. I’m a pretty principled best-of-breed technologist when it comes to building my IT “real-estate”.

On this point, I recently was honored to have been invited to the Marcus Evans 2nd Annual CIO Summit held Oct 6-8 in Macau. Key topics of the conference touched upon:

  • CIO Innovation – Conceptualising IT infrastructure to be the epicentre of achieving organisational efficiency and productivity
  • Globalization of IT – Analysing the impact of globalisation on business trends that rely on data management to provide greater competitive advantage
  • IT Architecture Evolution – Transitioning away from legacy systems and integrating emerging technologies to facilitate modernization
  • IT Fortification – Maximizing network security to enable business continuity and minimize critical data loss Next Generation Investments – Adopting innovative technology to enhance the core infrastructure of a business
  • IT Governance – Ensuring value delivery, monitoring accountability and complying with regulation
    Strategic Redeployment – Evaluating the impact of migrating critical data infrastructure
  • Redesigning Service Level Agreements – Institutionalising a framework that supports durational and financial flexibility
  • Storage Resource Management – Implementing efficient data storage practices to reduce costs and increase productivity
  • Information Value Chain – Developing dynamic communication collaboration to facilitate efficient knowledge distribution and management
  • Reputational Excellence – Ensuring high levels of data management and information delivery to avoid image erosion
  • As the opening keynote speaker of the summit, I tried to set the tone and breathe of the IT topics and issues many senior IT leaders face at some level in their professional life. The topic, I spoke on was in the IT architecture area: Pursuing Versatile IT Architecture to Effectively Respond to Economic Expansion and Contraction. The thrust of my presentation featured “The Matrix” into the principles of IT architecture. I also included my own version of the 7 IT Management layers as translated from the OSI Network layers framework. This was my “IT management for dummies” response to people in my team and outside my team as well as a personal effort to come to grips with the whole daunting IT Governance body of knowledge out there.

    In summary, I covered the following key points:

  • Business Challenges
  • CIO – Business Architect
  • Choice: Technology, Process, People
  • Balanced IT Design
  • Case Brief
  • At first, I discussed the importance of having a good solid understanding of the business context – challenges, environmental factors – that your IT function is operating in (see Porter’s 5 Forces Modeling). Not surprising many of the CIOs in the conference are laboring under severe budgetary constraints. I mean seriously, how much “do more with less” can one stomach? I battled my turf with as blunt of a tool I could think of – “Cut my budget any more and I’m going to be cutting off your email and internet. Is that ok with you?” It was a wake up call because in the death march of corporate cost cutting, sometimes, you’re on auto-pilot that you and your finance colleagues need to be shaken out of the funk. Being a corporate lemming is not my idea of fun, thank you very much.

    Second, I delved in the role of the “business architect” and I may be really bold and brash by saying so. The context of this starts here with the conversation between Neo and The Architect in “The Matrix Reloaded”.

    From this it leads to the difficult problem we all face: CHOICE. Choice of people, choice of technologies, choice of processes. Wrong choices and we’re forced to contemplate “levels of survivability” and “rebooting” our own Business/IT Matrix. But this is not all we face because in each of these choices are other levels of choices and we find ourselves going dow different “rabbit holes” and where we end up, who knows? Overarching simple design principles – (a) alignment with Business Strategy and (b) future proof + present relevancy and performance of the IT real-estate – can help us with our choices, but they’re not so easily applied. This is because each of the 3 main CHOICES we have, they have 3 other major constraints to be applied in the analysis:

  • (i) Management complexity
  • (ii) Accountability/Responsibility
  • (iii) Cost
  • So in one’s IT Design evaluation of the ultimate “Matrix” there are futher questions:
    1. What’s the Matrix you’re aiming to build?
    2. Can you procure the people, technology to enable the Matrix?
    3. Implementation hurdles which mainly in my view revolve around “control”

    Finally, I wrapped up my 40 minute by discussing an on-going case in a high level illustrating some of these ideas at work. If you want to know more, you can view my presentation on Slideshare.

    Managing Tough Times in 2009 – Grinding it out

    October 13, 2009 2 comments

    I don’t usually and haven’t in a while written directly about things happening around my work environment but it’s been very tough going. I’ve posted a couple of places about managing tough times last year and it’s still tough going.

    Following those words, and looking at 36 months into managing like this does take its toll – personally and on the team. The good news is it’s character building and preparation for the future. If you can manage and work through this, there’s not a lot out there the world, life, can throw at you without you fearing it. The old adage, “What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger” comes to mind.

    But the downside is that managing “not to lose” is not sustainable. A friend of mine recently told me how he see’s a lot of the IT world – it’s playing for a 0-0 draw. Hearing that was like a punch in the gut but there’s a lot of truth to that. IT is expected to be perfect 100% and that’s business as usual. One failure or letting in a “goal” then you lose and everyone knows.

    For that I like Seth Godin’s blog post called Hierarchy of Success. The 6 items are spot on reminders.

    1. Attitude
    2. Approach
    3. Goals
    4. Strategy
    5. Tactics
    6. Execution

    It’s a great reminder when the tough times seems interminable. Focus on yourself, your mind, your path as an anchor and a compass. Then the rest flows.

    As one of my favorite quotes says:

    “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”
    – Japanese proverb

    In any event, the news isn’t getting better and if history is to be judge, it’s downright fugly. While we’re focusing on profits, we can’t forget that Profits = (Top line growth) Minus (Bottom line costs). What the Bottom Line Hides by Paul Lim in a recent New York Times Your Money column notes some frightening historical statistics on this front:

    “[Y]ou can only cut so much,” said Howard Silverblatt, senior index analyst at S.& P. “At some point, you need to start seeing the business actually grow. You need to see increased sales” — sometimes called “top line” growth…

    While overall S.& P. 500 earnings are still falling on a year-over-year basis, for example, the rate of decline has begun to slow, according to figures compiled by Thomson Reuters…

    By contrast, declines in S.& P. 500 sales are picking up speed, according to S. & P. After slumping 14 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 and nearly 17 percent in the first quarter this year, corporate revenue tumbled nearly 20 percent in the second quarter.

    The revenue declines are even more staggering on a dollar basis. From June 2008 to June 2009, revenue of the 500 companies tumbled by a total of $1.15 trillion. “That’s more than the entire fiscal stimulus,” Mr. Silverblatt said…

    But Mr. Ablin does not expect a turnaround in corporate sales until at least the fourth quarter of this year or the first quarter of 2010.

    And it could easily take more time than that. Historically, revenue is one of the last indicators to recover after an economic downturn…

    A recent analysis by Ned Davis Research, the investment-consulting firm in Venice, Fla., found that sales typically hit a trough three months after earnings do — or nine months after a recession ends.
    Assuming that the recession has just ended, this means S.& P. 500 sales might not start to recover until next July…

    Keep in mind that revenue doesn’t always heal exactly nine months after the economy does. A full year after the 2001 recession ended, sales among companies in the S.& P. 500 — minus the financial sector — were still shrinking by around 6 percent.

    Moreover, in the last big downturn, at the start of this decade, revenue declined for seven consecutive quarters. If the market were in store for a similar sales drought, revenue might not start expanding again until the start of the third quarter of next year…

    Thanks for that!

    Hong Kong-American Nobel Prize Winner & HK ICT future

    October 11, 2009 Leave a comment

    I’m quite estatic for my newly adopted host city Hong Kong of only 15 months. Although I’ve blogged about the challenges working here giving me fits now and then, a wonderful recognition was recently awarded last Tuesday to Charles Kao, formerly vice-chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the Nobel Prize for Physics shared by fellow physicists Willard Boyle and George Smith, who invented a sensor that is the digital camera’s ‘electronic eye’. Kao won the prize for his pioneering work in fiber optics, which can effortlessly carry trillions of messages around the world. Without which of course, the Internet doesn’t work. Imagine that…I can’t. So it’s a deserving recognition.

    Charles Kao

    This leads me to write about the opportunity for HK’s ICT industry. It’s at a cross-roads that if not properly paid attention to by the HK Government, private industry and education universities. With this recognition, hopefully it will stir the imagination and focus the energies to this key industry sector to propel Hong Kong forward to new heights. Without the maturation of ICT in people, technology, industry, Hong Kong will be in danger of falling farther behind against it’s rival, Shanghai. This is tightly coupled with HK’s financial sector which is one of the main users of ICT technologies and is extremely influential in shaping ICT utilization. There’s quite a lot of angst (see Naomi Martig’s article) around this topic but HK isn’t like Singapore – which is both good and bad.

    The root of the ICT success as an industry lies in its people. To this point, I’m referring to the ability of ICT professionals to use problem-solving and fast analytical assessment to deploy the right ICT technologies for the organization’s success. Not just simply operational success but also business transformational success. I’m not so sure at the moment we’re seeing the latter as much. Even operational success needs a bit of catching up to do as HK ICT professionals are more and more becoming either too expensive or too irrelevant knowledge and skills-wise. This article from the CIO Executive Council republished in Computerworld, Hong Kong edition illustrates many of the issues facing companies looking for HK ICT professionals. Perhaps it’s a bit much to ask for and development time is needed. True enough but nevertheless, business environment is changing, organizations are changing to meet these environmental changes, and last but not least, ICT professionals are global and boundary-less so there’s even more competition for the home-grown HK professional. We can’t afford the lament that University grads are not prepare for IT work.

    Let’s see where the future holds for HK….We are certainly living in interesting times!

    Categories: Uncategorized